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How to create a sustainable freelancing regime?

19 November 2023 162

Imagine that you are the captain of your own ship, sailing on the waves of freelancing. Your time frame is the course that you set from 9:00 to 17:00, determining the hours when you focus on work. But remember, after 17:00 is a time for personal rest and reflection, because even the captain needs time to rest.

As a captain, you need an action plan - a list of tasks and their priorities, as waypoints to achieve the goal. If the task seems huge, do not hesitate to break it into small subtasks, like islands, in order to conquer them more easily. You know how to take responsibility, but you also understand that you don't have to know everything and do it yourself. Knowing when and where to ask for help is your strength, like knowing how to maneuver between waves.

Work schedule: Set the exact hours for work, for example, from 9:00 to 17:00. This will help you focus on the tasks.
Task Scheduling: Create a list of tasks and prioritize them to effectively manage time.
Set deadlines: Define specific deadlines for tasks, and for periodic tasks – specific days or intervals of execution.
Mental preparation: Formulate statements about your attitude to work and remember the time limits.
These tips will help you create a stable freelance work schedule and maintain the right psychological attitude to work. Don't forget about work-life balance, because it plays an important role in productivity and well-being.
Preparation for work also includes:

Responsibility: Admit that you don't have to know everything and do it yourself.
Separation of tasks: If something seems complicated, break it down into smaller subtasks to manage them more easily.
Confidence in goals: Remember why you are doing this, it will help keep you motivated.
Search for support: Feel free to ask for help or learn new things to solve problems.
Faith in the future: Believe in your abilities and move forward with confidence in your success.

After all, you are the captain of your freelance destiny, believing in your ability to achieve goals. And don't forget that your efforts will be rewarded in the future, just as new horizons are opening up for the captain. But remember that even captains need rest and moments of inspiration, so use motivational techniques and create a cozy workspace for concentration and effective work.


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