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A new way to destroy plastic

09 July 2024 168

The unique method uses an electric field, which significantly reduces dangerous emissions. Specialists of Vyatka State University (Vyatka State University) proposed burning plastic waste in an electric field in a special installation. This helps to reduce the negative impact on nature.

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                     A source: mir24.tv

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The researchers noted that garbage all over the world received the same classification. The method of disposal depends on the substance and other factors. Plastic is one of the most difficult types of waste. It decomposes slowly, and when destroyed, toxic substances can be released that can enter the environment. Medical plastic products are especially dangerous, as they emit carcinogenic dioxins, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances during normal combustion.

Russian scientists have proposed a new method of recycling such waste. According to their idea, medical plastic products should be burned in an electrostatic field. Charged particles are present in the flame, which can interact with an electric field, making the flame more directional and increasing the combustion efficiency. Gorenje

The results of the experiments were successful: the amount of carbon monoxide released during combustion decreased by 20-30%. For the study, a special model of a garbage furnace was developed, which allows simulating various combustion methods. Specialists will continue to study and improve the new method, which can only be carried out under the strict supervision of professionals.

Previously, scientists found out that bacteria can be used to fight plastic. Researchers from the Netherlands have discovered that many types of bacteria are capable of decomposing garbage. However, bacteria need certain conditions to work effectively, which turns them into a safe and effective way to deal with harmful waste.




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