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Stargate Universe: Possible scenarios for completing the journey

13 June 2024 170



"Stargate Universe" ended on an uncertain note, leaving many questions unanswered. The final episode, "Gauntlet," showed the crew of the Destiny preparing for a long journey through the void between galaxies, entering stasis pods to reach their destination — a mysterious signal from an ancient race.

Possible Endings for the Journey:

  1. Contact with a Higher Intelligence: The crew discovers that the signal originates from an ancient race or being with incredible knowledge and power. This could be a powerful artificial intelligence created by an ancient civilization or a life form that has reached a high level of development. This intelligence might provide the crew with answers about the origins of life and the universe.

  2. A New Home: The Destiny arrives at a planet or system suitable for life, where the crew can establish a new civilization. This place might be a paradise or a dangerous world requiring adaptation and survival.

                                    New Chic
3. Return Home: The crew finds a way to return to their home galaxy. This could be achieved through the discovery of technology capable of transporting them back, or through meeting beings who can assist them in this.
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4. Unveiling the Mysteries of the Universe: The crew uncovers the secrets of the universe, which could change their understanding of reality. They might discover that the universe is far more complex and multilayered than they imagined and that they are part of a grand cosmic plan.
5. Symbiosis with an Alien Civilization: The crew encounters an alien civilization with which they form a symbiotic relationship or alliance. This cooperation could open new possibilities for humanity and aid in exploring the universe.
6. Human Evolution: As a result of their journey and discoveries, the crew themselves evolve into a new form of life, gaining new abilities and knowledge. This could be a physical evolution or spiritual enlightenment.

Any of these scenarios could have made an exciting conclusion for "Stargate Universe," adding depth and meaning to the epic journey of the Destiny's crew.







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